- Primary muscles
- Back
- Secondary muscles
- Biceps
- Shoulder
- Equipment
- None
- Exercise description
- Male exercise for the city.

Wide-Grip Pullup
Grab the pull-up bar with the palms facing forward using a wide grip. As you have both arms extended in front of you holding the bar, bring your torso forward and head so that there is an imaginary line from the pull-up bar to the back of your neck.
Pull your torso up until the bar touches your upper chest by drawing the shoulders and the upper arms down and back. The upper torso should remain stationary as it moves through space and only the arms should move. The forearms should do no other work other than hold the bar.
After a second on the contracted position, slowly lower your torso back to the starting position when your arms are fully extended and the lats are fully stretched. Repeat the exercise according to the training plan.