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Beach Workout 8 (Circuit Training)
Parasols Bar Lunge frame #1 Parasols Bar Lunge frame #2 Parasols Bar Lunge frame #3 Parasols Bar Lunge frame #4

Parasols Bar Lunge

for 20 seconds


Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart. Place the parasols bar on the back of your shoulders (slightly below the neck) across it. Hold on to the bar using both arms at each side (palms facing down over the bar).


Take a step forward with your left leg, landing on the heel first and then on the whole foot. Lower yourself, until your leg is at a 90 degree angle.


Push back up into the starting position.


Step forward but this time with your right leg until your leg is at a 90 degree angle.


Push back up into the starting position. Repeat the exercise according to the training plan alternating legs.