- Workouts with this exercise
- Gym Workout 5
- Gym Workout 6
- Gym Workout 7
- Primary muscles
- Back
- Secondary muscles
- Glutes
- Equipment
- Swiss Ball
- Exercise description
- Male exercise for the gym.

Swiss Ball Prone Leg Raise
Start in a prone bridge position. Swiss ball should be under your hips. Maintain a neutral spine by keeping the neck in line with the rest of the lower spine, and engaging the lower abs wall by “sucking in” the navel toward the spine. Arms are at a comfortable yet supportive position below the mid-chest. Keep the elbows soft and legs extended.
Lift and extend the legs toward the ceiling from the hip, bending at the arms. Be sure the legs remain rigid, extending until they are directly above the hips.
Go back to the starting position and repeat the exercise according to the training plan.