- Workouts with this exercise
- Core Stability Workout
- Primary muscles
- Abs
- Back
- Secondary muscles
- Glutes
- Shoulder
- Equipment
- None
- Exercise description
- Male exercise for the gym.

Elbow to Knee Bird Dog
Get onto your hands and knees. Line yourself up so that your shoulders are directly over your wrists, and your hips are directly over your knees. Keep your head, neck and back straight. Crunch your elbow and your knee so that they meet underneath your body.
Raise your right arm and reach forward until it is in line with your torso. As you bring your arm forward kick your left leg backwards until it is straight and in line with your torso. Hold this position for a second.
Crunching your elbow and your knee, go back into the starting position without landing them on the floor. Repeat this exercise according to the training plan then switch legs and arms.