- Workouts with this exercise
- Workout with Ball 3
- Workout with Ball 4
- Primary muscles
- Upper Leg
- Secondary muscles
- Glutes
- Equipment
- Medicine Ball
- Exercise description
- Male exercise for the gym.

Medicine Ball Step Forward Lunge
Stand straight in front of the aerobic step, holding a medicine ball in front of you. Put your feet shoulder width apart, and the head and chest up.
Take a slow lunge onto the athletic step. Keep your toes pointed forward and stay low. Extend the left knee, driving your weight to the right leg. Maintain good posture through the entire spine, keeping your head and chest up.
Pause at the bottom of the motion, and then extend through the right leg to return to a starting position.
Repeat the exercise but this time lunge with your left leg.
Go back to the starting position and repeat the exercise according to the training plan alternating legs.